George washington university event management certificate reviews
It is the documentation of an actual event in which you have participated and have an understanding of a significant portion of the research, design, planning, coordination and evaluation processes including administration, marketing, and legal, ethical, and risk management issues. Sections 2 - 9 (listed below) may not exceed five double-spaced 8 1/2" by 11" pages per section. Total pages for sections 2 - 9 combined may not exceed 40 pages. Photographs, illustrations, floor plans, slides, video tape would be in addition to this number and must be included in Section 10: Appendix. The Appendix may not exceed 25 pages. The total portfolio, excluding Table of Contents and Portfolio Affirmation and Release Form may not exceed 65 pages.
Portfolio Section Checklist:
1. Table of contents listing the documents in the portfolio.
2. Description of the overall event through an introductory statement (executive summary).
3. The research process, including a needs assessment and feasibility study for producing the event i.e., Why, Who, When, Where, What, How and the SWOT Analysis.
4. The creative process for designing the event based upon your conclusions from the needs assessment and feasibility study.
5. The process for planning the event based upon the organizational framework, ie., organizational chart, production, budget and chart of accounts, time line and list of vendors.
6. The process for coordinating the event including a detailed production schedule, script, vendor agreements, site and floor plan.
7. The process for evaluating the event and the conclusions and recommendations resulting from this event evaluation (submit actual evaluation instruments and results).
8. Discussion of overall problems and oversights, GAP Analysis, that resulted in each area of this event process and make recommendations for eliminating these in the future.
9. A personal essay describing your development process throughout your Event Management career, listing areas where improvement is needed, and also, your general plans to continue your future education to improve your practice.
10. An appendix that includes a letter or letters from either your superior(s), client(s), or other important stakeholders documenting your involvement in the event. Include photos, diagrams, illustrations, slides or video of the event.
11. A statement that affirms the information contained in the portfolio represents your original work. If permissible, this statement grants the Event Management Program of The School of Business and Public Management at The George Washington University and the International Special Events Society permission from all responsible parties to make the portfolio available for scholarly research. Allowing the University and ISES to retain your portfolio is an optional choice. If you allow its retention, you may either provide permission from all parties involved or you may delete all references that identify certain vendors and producers.
How Should The Portfolio Be Presented?
The professional portfolio must be submitted in a three ring black binder with a clear vinyl pocket on the cover. In the cover, insert an 8 1/2" by 11" sheet of white paper with the following text:
Submitted By
The George Washington University
The Event Management Certificate Program
Each section of the portfolio must be separated by clearly and professionally labeled tabs. Collateral materials (slides, photos, videos, letters) must also be included in the portfolio package.
1. Set a specific schedule for producing your portfolio and stick to it. Waiting until the end of your course of study is not wise.
2. Work closely with your professors to make certain you are including the appropriate information. Ask before you proceed.
3. Make certain you carefully proof your work. The best portfolios are on reserve in the Gelman Library (first floor reserve desk). ensure that your portfolio will be among them.