When making a report about child safety concerns, you will be asked to provide information that can help officers decide how best to respond. It is still vital you call even if you don’t have all the information.
The information includes:
When you make the report, your details are kept confidential. You are able to make the report anonymously if you wish; however, it is preferable to provide these details so that the officer can call you if further information is needed.
Due to privacy and confidentiality rights of any child or parent brought to the attention of Child Safety, you will not be provided with the outcome for the report you make.
Child Safety is here to talk through any worries you have. Our Child Safety Officers (CSOs) are trained to help families with problems they may be having, and find the best ways to help them get back on track.
If you’re worried about the wellbeing of a child, call:
When concerns are reported, CSOs will determine how best to respond to the situation. Decisions are centred on ensuring the safety of the child. These decisions are often informed by the child's family and cultural values and how these contribute to their safety.
If the information suggests a child is at risk of significant harm, officers will speak with the child and family and other people in their lives (e.g. teachers, doctors).
The result of the investigation may see a child removed from their family or the officer may provide advice on counselling or other support to the family.
If you have reason to suspect a child outside Queensland is being harmed, or is at risk of harm, please contact the relevant state or territory agency for support and advice.
You can call any of the following community services for support or advice. However, if a child is in danger please call the police on Triple Zero (000).
Anyone can contact Family and Child Connect for advice and information, including parents, grandparents, other family members and young people. Family and Child Connect is a free service provided by trusted, local organisations who are experienced in working with families. Call 13FAMILY or 13 32 64.
Family Wellbeing Services are a free and confidential one stop shop for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families to access support to improve your social, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing, and help you be able to safely care for and protect your children. All Family Wellbeing Services are delivered by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled organisations ensuring the support available is culturally safe and appropriate.
Parentline is a free, confidential telephone service providing counselling and referrals. Counsellors are available from 8am to 10pm, 7 days a week. To speak to a counsellor, call 1300 301 300.
Children, teenagers and young adults can call Kids Helpline to talk about anything — what’s going on at home, stuff with friends, something at school or feeling sad, angry or scared. Freecall 1800 55 1800 (24 hours, 7 days a week) or webchat.
Women’s Infolink provides confidential support, information and referrals to community organisations for Queensland women and girls. Phone 1800 177 577 (free-call statewide service) Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm or email.
Mensline is a free, confidential phone, counselling, referral and support service for Queensland men. Freecall 1800 600 636 from 9am to midnight, 7 days a week.
1800RESPECT is a national sexual assault and domestic violence counselling service by qualified, experienced professionals. Freecall 1800 737 732 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The National Relay Service (NRS) is a government initiative that allows people who are deaf, hard of hearing and/or have a speech impairment to make and receive phone calls. Visit their Service features page to find which relay call option suits your needs and situation.
Last updated: 4 August 2023Phone Triple Zero (000) if it's an emergency or if you believe a child is in immediate danger or in a life-threatening situation.
If you have reason to suspect a child is experiencing, or is at risk of abuse, contact: