

Yonsei University's admissions programs are designed to accommodate the following school missions:
First, to select talented students who can contribute to the Korean society as global leader with the spirit of truth and liberty.
Second, to develop admissions policies and systems through which Yonsei can lead visions of higher education.
Third, to make contributions to the Korean society and its social solidarity.

Underwood International College (UIC)

Every year Underwood International College (UIC) brings together students from a diverse range of national and ethnic backgrounds, providing them with a rigorous, world-class education through its innovative programs. The admission process is designed to accommodate different educational systems and to support equality of opportunity. An admissions committee reviews applications and comprehensively evaluates each prospective student. While admission to UIC is competitive, UIC looks beyond the numbers and seeks applicants with global mindsets, strong academic aspirations, and a spirit of dedication to community.

UIC is looking forward to receiving your application! International students are admitted on a rolling basis, while Korean applicants are admitted according to an annual admissions schedule. Korean and Overseas Korean students are advised to refer to the website of the Office of Admissions for more detailed information (http://admission.yonsei.ac.kr/seoul).

Global Leaders College

Global Leaders College (GLC) is for overseas Korean students and International students who have completed all 12 years of pre-university education overseas or the equivalent. GLC is designed to shape and foster overseas Korean students as well as international students adapt to Yonsei University and complete their studies.

1. Specialized intensive language classes aimed at university lecture attendance
2. Through reinforcement of general education courses, make GLC students improve their communication ability suitable for Korean society.
3. Individualized and specialized curriculum designed for each student through specialized academic and counseling program
4. By drastically reducing class sizes, a specialized small-scale education process is maintained with one-on-one discussion sessions, small-group seminars, and research studies.
5. Internship opportunity
6. Explore Korean Culture

Office of International Affairs

The Office of International Affairs(OIA) is in charge of Yonsei University’s main non-degree programs for international students. Students can choose from a variety of programs according to their personal and academic interests. Study Abroad at Yonsei (SAY) is the regular fall/spring semester for exchange and visiting students. Students can also experience Yonsei during the summer or winter by attending the Yonsei International Summer School (YISS) or Winter Abroad at Yonsei (WAY) programs. OIA also arranges tailor-made programs for overseas partner universities. Through OIA’s programs, students will challenge themselves intellectually and broaden their cultural perspectives.

Yonsei International Summer School (YISS)

The Yonsei International Summer School (YISS) opened its doors in 1985 and since then, YISS has become an integral part of campus life based on a unique blend of Korean and global cultures. YISS offers about 100 courses in 7 different areas for 6 weeks in summer and continues to grow and evolve, accommodating the needs of a rapidly changing student body and meeting the challenges of a fast-paced global society.

Winter Abroad at Yonsei (WAY)

Winter Abroad at Yonsei offers a 3-week winter program at our Sinchon campus for international students who want to enjoy the winter in Seoul. We focus on academic achievement with various courses and provide opportunities to travel around Seoul and experience Korean culture, such as the DMZ tours, SKI trips, and Korean cooking classes.